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The Crypt Keeper Cemetery Software - by - ©1992-2024, All Rights Reserved

You may assign any number of users to your instance of the application. Your security rights would only allow you to view the contents of your organization's cemetery records in this system. We recommend assiging a different user access to any member that you want to access your data so that you can disable access if needed in the future.

There are three levels of access:
  • Master User: this level gives the user complete control over your data, allowing you to add cemeteries, lot types, assign custom fields, upload maps, and control users.

  • Standard User: this level gives the user the ability to input/view data and run reports. No configuration functions are permitted.

  • View-Only User: this level gives the user the ability to view your data, your maps, and run reports. But no editing is permitted and no configuration functions are permitted.
Use this function with caution, you could accidentally delete your own login. If you've been locked out or can't remember your password, please contact us at