
This section assumes you have data inputted into your account. If you don't, no worries, you can still read through this material and then when you have data you can actually follow along with the instructions.


To get started, click on the Reports button from the main application page.

When you get to the reporting page, the first thing you'll notice is there are three sections of the page to decipher.

Area 1 represents already programmed reports that anyone can use. These are very generic and you will likely use some, but you will want to gradually create your own reports once you get used to the software. To use these reports, just click on the report name and the resulting records will be displayed in a new page. It could take a couple of seconds, and it could take several seconds, all depending on the amount of data in your account database.

Area 2 represents any custom reports that you've already created. Just choose the report you want to run by selecting it in the dropdown, and then either click the "Run Selected Report" button, or click on the "Edit Report" button if you want to further define the report before running. It could take a couple of seconds, and it could take several seconds, all depending on the amount of data in your account database.

Area 3 is the report definition section. If you clicked to edit an existing report, the report definition will be displayed here. Otherwise you start a new report definition and then name the report at the bottom of the page.

So... let's say you just want to review the first standard report... Interred by Location. If you click on this with the sample data, you get the following:

You'll see that you have two green buttons above the report.
  • Export to Tab-Delimited Text - This creates a text file containing all the data that your report generated
  • Export to Excel - This creates a Microsoft Excel file of your report. When it generates you might get a message that the file format and extension don't match. Just click the Yes button to continue opening the file.
You'll have to click the Return menu to get back to the main application window to run another report. Do that and we'll try creating a custom report.

In the example below, I've chosen the columns of data I want to appear on my custom report, and I've defined the sort order of the columns, and I've included some filters:
  • BirthDate > nothing - When you do this with a date field, it means only display records that contain a valid Date of Birth
  • DeathDate > nothing - Again, I'm saying I want to only return records with a valid Date of Death
  • InterDate > nothing - And finally, only return records with a valid Date of Interment
When it's all done it will sort the report by:
  • AgeYMD (which is the age of the interred, broken down by years, months and days)
  • InterLastName
  • InterFirstName

Then scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and supply a name for the report and click on the button to Save and Run.

Using the sample data, the report looks something like this...